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Webinar: Formulation case study with Domino
Find out how machine learning can design new formulations and chemicals, reduce experimental workloads by 50-80%, and enable response to regulatory constraints. All of these benefits have been experienced at Domino Printing Sciences in their work on the formulation of inks. You will learn how machine learning has been applied at Domino and how its deployment has developed, from a tool used to guide experimental programmes, to a technology that is increasingly integrated into Domino workflows through use of automatic APIs. The webinar will be relevant to anyone working on formulated products, chemicals, materials, or pharmaceuticals.
Intellegens: What are we all about?
At the start of a new year, we’ve taken some time to review the big picture. What are we trying to achieve with and for our customers at Intellegens? We want to see machine learning applied wherever data is used in R&D. But what does this mean and how can we help to achieve it? You can find out more about this vision and our mission by following the link below. We’re excited for 2024 as we continue to drive the use of machine learning in R&D.
Article features AI for battery tech
Joel Strickland of the Intellegens Science Team has written an article for the Intercalation Station online newsletter, which covers battery technology. The article reviews the application of machine learning in supercharging battery optimisation.
New Alchemite™ projects feature
Users of the Alchemite™ software will enjoy slick management of their machine learning models and more effective collaboration thanks to this month’s new feature. As users build up a longer list of models, these can now be organised into projects, making them faster and easier to find. Revisions of a model are automatically added to the relevant project, so you can more easily move between them and retain traceability. And projects can be shared with groups or individuals, supporting effortless collaboration.
Exploring Alchemite™ deployment options
With more Alchemite™ user organisations coming on line all the time, we’re getting more questions about options for secure, high-performance deployment of the software. You can read about all of the options, including support for Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google on our website.
Blog – why now?
We talk to a lot of R&D organisations that are considering deploying machine learning. Quite often, they’d like to get started – but not just yet. On the other hand, when we look at businesses that are a year or two into their use of machine learning, many of them wish they had started sooner. So this month’s blog takes a look at some of the most common reasons for delay, and why these are, in fact, often reasons to get started now.
Rachael adds product management expertise
We’re delighted to introduce Rachael Clarke, who has brought her experience of product management in the biotech software sector to Intellegens. Product managers are key people in the software development process and we’re sure Rachael will help us to collaborate more effectively to develop the right product plans and to deliver on these plans with great software.
Meet us at ACS, AIChE, FlavourTalks
We’ll be speaking or exhibiting at a number of events over the coming weeks, including these three conferences in March:
18-20 March – American Chemical Society Meeting, New Orleans. Exhibiting and presenting.
19-20 March – FlavourTalk 2024, London. Exhibiting and presenting.
24-28 March – AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans. Presenting.