Machine learning in industry

The Alchemite™ technology can help wherever you need to extract value from data. At Intellegens, we have a particular focus on its use in research, development, and control applications for formulated products, industrial processes, materials, chemicals, and drugs.

Key solution areas

Cut out trial-and-error and optimise chemical products and processes
Data-driven design and development of alloys, plastics, composites, and more
FMCG / foods
Accelerate formulation development and reduce experimental timescales by 50-80%
Life sciences
Maximise value from data and experiment in discovery, development, and manufacturing
Optimise processes, reduce down-time and minimise waste - from battery technology to heavy industrial applications
Academic research
The Alchemite™ Academic Programme provides cost-effective access for university researchers

Case studies

View the complete index of example customer projects from across these sectors.
