Introducing the Alchemite™ Academic Programme
The Alchemite™ machine learning methodology was originally developed at the University of Cambridge and is now driven forward by university spin-off company, Intellegens. An advanced ML method and data imputation algorithm enable handling of sparse and noisy data and accurate uncertainty quantification. Find and explore relationships in your data, predict system outputs given new inputs, identify optimal inputs to achieve target outputs, and drive adaptive design of experiment campaigns. The method is tuned for computational efficiency. Typical industrial applications include chemistry, formulations, materials science, life sciences, and manufacturing.
The Alchemite™ Academic Programme makes access to this method affordable and easy for academic researchers. Gain valuable insights into your data while freeing up research time that would otherwise be spent on method development or coding.
Programme details
The Alchemite™ Academic Programme entitles you to:
- A license to the Alchemite™ Innovator web browser-based application, enabling users to quickly build machine learning models from any numerical or categorical dataset and to then apply these models and analyse the results.
- A licence to the Alchemite™ Architect API, enabling you to integrate the Alchemite™ method into other processes and connect it to your data via scripting and coding.
- An 80%+ discount on the commercial pricing of the Alchemite™ software.
To qualify for the Programme you must:
- Be engaged in academic research at a university.
- Not use the software to support any commercial collaboration or for-profit activity.
- Reference use of the Alchemite™ method in any presentation or publication describing work that included processing or analysis of data using the software.
Members have full access to documentation but scientific support services are not included.
Find out more about Alchemite™
- The Alchemite™ Technology
- White paper – background to Alchemite™ machine learning
- Selected Intellegens publications using Alchemite™
- Industrial case studies
- Product information
You can also download an information pack containing more information on Alchemite™ and the Academic Programme.
Recorded Webinar – Alchemite™ for Academic Research
Intellegens CSO and co-founder Dr Gareth Conduit introduces the Alchemite™ method and provides examples of its application to academic research in materials science, chemistry, battery research, and life sciences.