Intellegens speaks at British Society of Flavourists Webinar

Webinar: 25 January, 2024, 19:00 GMT

Intellegens will be presenting an upcoming webinar in the series run by the British Society of Flavourists, the leading membership society for flavourists, food technologists, and others working within the Flavour Industry.

Dr Tom Whitehead, Intellegens Head of Machine Learning, and Will Silkstone, our industry lead for this sector, will discuss the application of machine learning to formulation development, discussing challenges and how to overcome them, and introducing case studies. The event is free to all Society members.

Webinar details

The design space that flavourists need to explore in optimising their chemicals, blends, and formulations can be vast. The complexity comes from a variety of sources: the huge range of potential ingredients and processing options; the need to scale-up processes; and from dozens of commercial, regulatory, and consumer constraints. The result can be a daunting amount of time-consuming experimentation. Using existing data from prior experiments and the literature can help. And many researchers are now turning to machine learning technologies, seeking to gain insights from this data that can provide an edge. But this brings its own challenges.  The available data, collated from multiple sources, can often be sparse. It can also be noisy, particularly where biological processes or human sensory perceptions are in play, making exact control and reproducibility of experimental conditions difficult. And machine learning methodologies are typically very difficult to apply with sparse, noisy data. 

In this webinar, we’ll explore the potential of machine learning for flavourists. We’ll discuss these challenges, and how they can be overcome. We’ll introduce one machine learning method, Alchemite™, that is able to build machine learning models from sparse, noisy, experimental data. We’ll show, with case studies, how this can be applied to guide experimental programmes, with typical reductions of 50-80% in time and cost, and to identify ingredient and process changes that lead to improved products. We’ll discuss how machine learning increases the agility of R&D teams, enabling a faster response when design parameters change, for example, due to supply chain issues or regulations.  The webinar will include a live demonstration of the Alchemite™ software and Q&A.
