Meet the team...

Dr Robert Parini

We have asked the members of the Intellegens team a few questions so that you can get to know them better. Here, we introduce Robert Parini, Head of Platform at Intellegens.

1. How long have you been working at Intellegens and what is your position?
I’m the Head of Platform at Intellegens and I’ve been working here since October 2018. At that time we were a much smaller team, and I was working on designing, building and deploying the initial version of our Alchemite Engine API server. As we’ve grown, I now work more broadly with the rest of the development team to deliver our machine learning technologies to customers and partners.

2. What is your favourite part about working at Intellegens?
I think the variety. I’ve been able to shape my own role and I get to work with lots of smart people and many different kinds of technologies and industries.

3. What is your career/education background?
I did my undergraduate degree at Durham University and then a PhD in mathematical physics at the University of York, specifically in solitons and integrable systems, a really beautiful subject in my opinion! While studying I enjoyed writing my own software to investigate my research problems, as well as contributing to open source software. I wanted to help build something useful, ideally in some scientific computing area, and I found a good fit at Intellegens!

4. What is something that you think makes Intellegens stand out from other companies?
We’re a very responsive and customer focused company. If a customer or colleague has an issue or sees something that could be improved then it can be escalated very quickly. Of course, some things take time but we do prioritise development with customer needs in mind and I like to think it shows!

5. What does a perfect day look like to you?
Finishing off some small personal project in the morning so I can feel accomplished for the rest of the day. Afternoon playing tabletop games and spending time with my wife, friends and guinea pigs! A tasty curry in the evening followed by a good film.

Meet more of the team

We’ve been talking to some of the Intellegens team about their backgrounds, what its like to work for Intellegens, and how they relax.
